Why are baby teeth important?
Baby teeth are very important, both for their quality of life now and for proper development of their adult smile. Your child needs teeth to speak clearly, eat comfortably, and smile with confidence. The teeth are also needed to ensure proper spacing. If your child loses a tooth too soon, the teeth may shift.
Your child will also face problems if they have cavities that are not cared for. Cavities thrive in baby teeth. They can cause severe pain and infection, which can be dangerous if untreated. It is always a good idea to take care of teeth, regardless of if they are baby teeth or permanent teeth.
When should I start brushing my child’s teeth?
You should start brushing your child’s teeth when the first tooth erupts and you can begin swabbing their gums with a wash cloth even before that. For brushing, use a soft bristled toothbrush with a small head made specifically for infants. Cleaning the teeth removes plaque and bacteria which may lead to tooth decay.
What happens on the first visit?
At the first visit we start by introducing your child to the basic dental instruments and setting. We will discuss important information regarding diet, hygiene, brushing, and fluoride toothpaste. If possible, we will clean your child’s teeth. We understand that every child will have different experiences during their early years but simply becoming acquainted with the dental setting is a helpful building block for very young children.
What are sealants?
Sealants are tooth colored resin materials that are applied to the chewing surface (pits and fissures) of the molar teeth. By blocking food from becoming lodged and stuck in the deep grooved surfaces, they create a barrier between the food and the tooth to help seal out decay.
When is it safe to begin using fluoride toothpaste?
Fluoride toothpaste can be used when the child is 2 or 3 years of age. Before that, it is okay to use toddler toothpaste. It is important to use less than a pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste until they are older, around 5, and have learned to spit.
Will I be allowed back with my child?
Dr. Jack encourages parents to come into the appointment with their child. We want parents to be involved not only at the visit, but also an active participant with homecare and beyond.